De Mystify Fear
We must boost our immune system to fight off viruses, fungus, bacteria and cancer.
First of all we have been dealing with the exposure to viruses for a long time.
We must become stronger and Immune Resilient.
Viruses are small and are either made up of DNA or RNA. A DNA based virus sets up receptors on the cell so the Immune cells actually recognize the antigen (DNA virus) and the immune cells create antibodies to block the door.
On the other hand RNA based viruses actually enter into the cell and create havoc with the DNA inside he cell. This is why it is harder for the immune cells to detect. Unless of course you are a MHC cell. They recognize thee are more proteins in the cell (RNA virus) and therefore attack before it has time to replicate inside the cell then implode.
The immune system has a hard time recognizing the virus inside the cell so you have to REV up your natural killer (NK) cells. NK cells detect the MO of viruses hidden inside the cell and expose these cells containing the virus. For example corona virus is a RNA based virus. Just like the common cold, influenza, SARS, polio and HIV. There is no DNA therefore the genetic material is not stable.
Environmental Toxins such as glyphosates, PFA’s, BPA, VOC, heavy metals and mold toxins. Glyphosate destroys DNA (750 herbicides) it is an immune destroyer.
We are exposed to toxins and usually excrete through skin, kidneys, colon and lung.
What creates the Best Immune System?
Decrease exposure to toxins and chemicals.
Genetic Enzyme Defects- Methylation and enzymes associated with Detoxification. There are multiple pathways in the liver which help to detoxify drugs hormones and toxins. These also include glucuronidation, Glutathione Conjugation, Sulfation and Acetylation.
EMF- (stress), sympathetic dominance, HPA dysfunction. The neuroendocrine system releases cortisol when under stress. Cortisol is the greedy hormone with the masterkey. Cortisol locks all the other hormone receptors on the cell. What happens next?
Suppression of the Immune System. Chronic outpouring of cortisol is not beneficial to creating a healthy immune system.
Low DHEA (adrenal gland) is an immune modulator. Low progesterone. High TSH means low thyroid function. Decrease in natural killer cell energy.
To decrease stress means exercise more and sleep.
Eat a plant-based whole food organic diet.
Kale, broccoli, organic berries are an Immune builder and increase Immunoglobulin A or IgA. Taking a walk or exercise increases your IgA. But don’t over exert.
Immunotoxicity reduces the good T cells TH1 and increases the inflammatory T cells TH2.
Mission of the Immune System:
Recognize- Foreign bodies and sound the alarm to thwart.
Respond- Alarm with a counterattack to quickly and effectively neutralize the unwanted Invaders.
Remember- What happened so if the same situation happens again the immune cells will arise again and create an effective response to be generated even faster. STOP YOU IN YOUR FOOTSTEPS!!
Relax-Somehow after the event is over.
How Do we Support the Immune System?
What are the interleukins which increase TH2? IL-3, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-6.
Calcium d Glucarate supports detoxification.
Beta Glucans support normalization of TH1/TH2 balance.
Probiotics detoxifies heavy metals.
Natural Killer cells (NK) work independently they are the First and Last line of Defense. They are capable of rapid response.
Strengthen the microbiome in the “GUT” with garlic extract a natural antimicrobial which will kills and dissolves biofilm (bacteria).
Argentyn 23 is an antiviral.
Mega doses of IV vitamin C 10-25 grams.
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